Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I've been busy, retirement has done that, more time to do things and less done.

An interesting aspect of retirement is that your thought process is modified because of a number of factors. In the work environment, besides the annoying aspect of work itself, there are all the distractions of coworkers, be they friendly or hostile/toxic, they are there to break your line of thought.

In retirement, there is a lot more “me” time and that can result in a lot more in depth analysis of most things, remember that a lot of thought pre-retirement was spent daydreaming about retirement.

There are days, especially in the winter months, where there appears to be absolutely nothing to do, however, I recall days in my cubicle like that, and I know where I’d rather be. There really is no such thing as wasted time when it is time of total choice.

There are really no words to describe the feeling of turning over in bed on a winters morning and investing in another hour of sleep.

And that, is why you should have a plan.